02 May 2018

Back in Börlin

It's hard to believe it's been 2,5 years since I was in Berlin with AnCa. It feels like a year, tops. But despite wanting to see friends in the city, I haven't had the urge to go back for a long time. It might sound strange coming from me who couldn't get enough of Berlin 7 years ago, but now it feels more like a closed chapter, albeit an absolutely wonderful one. It's a different part of me now. But I must say that it was great being back this past weekend. It was just as it should be; not too nostalgic but not too distant either. A perfect mix of feeling at home and feeling like a visitor. A few glimpses;
 It was 25 degrees and full on summer-spring as it can only be in Berlin. Trees everywhere and a lazy mood.
We had breakfast at Silo (Gabriel-Max-Straße 4, Friedrichshain) one morning and it was better than I remember. The menu had changed and it was delicious. The coffee was outstanding, too, though that hadn't changed.
I have never been a big fan of Friedrichshain. I'm more of a Kreuzberg-Neukölln kind of girl and love the U8-vibe just as much as the next hipster. But Karl-Marx-Allee has always meant something special to me and it was good seeing this impressive place again.
We walked through the foodmarket at Boxhagener Platz on Saturday and came back for the fleamarket on Sunday.
Here I am in front of a bush of lilacs that smelled insanely good.
 We went to see Hertha Berlin play Augsburg and I was completely out of my comfort zone. A little like the time I went to Milan to watch Formula 1 with the boys - but this football match grew on me. Particularly because it's fascinating getting a glimpse into a strange world, and because places like those are great for people-watching.
 Saturday night, we met up with Cordula for dinner and drinks and dancing. And ridiculous photos, of course. My god, my party photo game isn't what it used to be.
 Og Berlin, your facades and boxy cars...
On Sunday night, we biked to Kreuzberg to have Best Meal In Bread (just as 2011!) and sit by Admiralbrücke with a beer. When we biked over the tracks by Warschauer Straße, the sun was going down and it sent rays of happiness directly into my old Berlin heart. What a perfect way to say goodbye. It might be 2,5 years until next time but it's OK. Berlin will always be a part of my skin.

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