10 September 2011


Friday: I went north to have champagne with my father and his wife and celebrate that everything is finalized with the apartment = it's 100% sure that I'll move to Nørrebro and live like a queen from October. Then I headed back into the city to meet with C and M in the meat packing district. We had fish'n'chips at the deli, where the guy behind the counter played loud Kings of Leon and drank some of my ginger ale...! We went down to V1 gallery to attend an opening (=hit the bar for cheap cava) before we ended up at Bakken to look at people and hear Trentemøller.

The sky over the whiskey belt.
 My old hood.
 Highly recommendable! Tasty fish and perfect fries/ 60DKK.
Notice the older gentleman.....


Line said...

Wauw hvor er jeg misundelig. Det lyder som en perfekt fredag!!!

Differentia said...

Altså Karen Sofie, dine billeder lever deres helt eget liv! Skønt med en dosis storby herovre i den lørdagsdøde provins. Kh. Mette

karen sofie said...

Line: Det var faktisk en totalt perfekt fredag :)
Differentia: Haha, er det godt eller dårligt? Ellers godt at høre, at jeg kan sende lidt big city life til udkantsdanmark...