25 October 2011


These days I'm home sick. That means hours under the covers in bed, sleeping, reading, sleeping. I defied the cold yesterday and went to Jægersborggade to pick up some bread at Meyer's (yes, it's almost a cliché) and some cheese to spoil myself a bit. Yesterday, Tine came over with some soup, and we watched movies and had insane laughing fits on the sofa over old photos. Today, Anna is home too, and we're doing everything in slowmotion. Breakfast lasts for hours, and now we're about to curl up on the sofa and watch 'The Colour Purple'.
Bread at Meyer's comes in these solid paper bags. Of course.
 Tine brought homemade pumpkin soup.
This morning's breakfast = bananabread + cheese/rosehip marmelade. Yum.


Ditte said...

God bedring. Lyder dejligt at blive forkælet med suppe + venindegrineflip:)

karen sofie said...

Tak :) Ja, det er fornemt. Latter kan kurere hvadsomhelst.

Michelle said...

Årh bananmaden! Så klassisk, så retro, og så mega god!

karen sofie said...

Du har så ret, Michelle!