12 November 2011


The white castle has been plenty inhabited the last couple of days. Kristiane spent the night before going to Munich, and yesterday, Kat came over with a bottle of red wine and some licorice pipes. We had plans to go out, but ended up laughing hysterically over old photos and stuff from the days at journalism school. She spent the night, and when we woke up today, the sun was shining blissfully. Anna had surgery in her hand yesterday, so we took her out for brunch at Lyst in Jægersborggade followed by a walk in Assistensen and Sofia Coppola's 'Virgin Suicides' in bed with cake and coffee. The light has been soft and round, and we've enjoyed slowing down after weeks of busy days. Tonight we're going out. Maybe.
Lovely lovely lovely ladies.
The yellowest tree ever.
Suddenly, a few metres from Søren Kierkegaard's grave, Anna and Kat started singing and playing air guitar.....
Our third roommate this weekend.

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