03 May 2012

Happy go sunny

 Lately I have attended a birthday party in Christianshavn...
 ...dragged my hungover head to Vesterbro for coffee sometime Sunday afternoon...
 ...at the nameless café at Enghave Plads (LOVE that place!)
 Chris, who was in DK for a brief visit, has glasses now and looks lovelier than ever.
 We had a spectacular view of the ever so present metro building site...
 This has been my view this fabulously sunny week. Every morning I've woken up with a smile across my sleepy face as soon as I've seen the cloudless sky outside my window.
 Monday I worked from home and enjoyed sitting in front of the big windows drinking coffee and pretending to write...
 Yesterday I went for ice cream at Stefansgade with an old friend. Chocolate, coffee and coconot flavours. Yuuuum. (This photo reminds me of one I took last year.....)
Apparently it'll turn rainy tomorrow, so I'll try and soak up all the sun for now so it might last for a while. 


Ditte said...

Jeg elsker dit store vindue. Man må kunne tænke virkelig kloge tanker foran det!

karen sofie said...

Det kan man! Når man altså ikke fortaber sig i at kigge over på genboen, som er lidt underlig... :)