26 May 2014

Birthday weekend

Yesterday, my youngest brother turned 18, and the whole family gathered for a weekend of celebration. My parents got divorced 8 years ago, and I'm so happy that we can gather as a modern family in new constellations and have such a good time. What a great weekend.
The birthday boy and his girlfriend Signe.
Sølve and NP having wine and a cigarette outside.
I dig Sølve's new beard style.
The night ended with a board game - and some heavy laughing due to a heavy intake of alcohol.
On AE's actual birthday on Sunday, Signe and I made eggs benedict for breakfast.
Fredericke, Sølve's girl, wore her hair pink.
NP goofed around.
Henrik, my mom's boyfriend, made this beautiful birthday cake covered in flags.
An impromptu band photo.


Fototosse said...

Super hyggelige billeder - som altid.

karen sofie said...

Fototosse; Tak :) Det var også en rigtig hyggelig weekend :)