08 September 2013


I'm doing a piece for a Danish newspaper, and so yesterday I took my camera, my notepad and my roomie along on a little adventure. It wasn't that far in kilometres, but we felt like we were suddenly hours away from Berlin. Viktoriastadt is a little town inside the big town. A neighbourhood circled by the railways, a few streets scattered with colourful houses and signs encouraging inhabitants to take care of each other and support the community. Very quaint.
 The day was sunny and warm, and the wind was gentle as we waited for the U1 at Schlesisches Tor.
 I love these doors, and they were everywhere in Viktoriastadt.
 Roomie Cordula and ice.
 Yours truly in front of one of those lovely doors.
 When we came back to the hustling and bustling city, we went crazy in a photo booth and had way too much Indian food...
 Beautiful windows, beautiful letters.
 Look at those windows on that balcony!
Of course.

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