29 August 2011


It happened approximately 6,08 am. The train was crossing the Great Belt Bridge, but suddenly it stopped, and people started to scream. "We've had an accident. Please remain calm, help is on its way," a voice said. Outside, the sun was colouring the sky delicate pink and deep golden, the clouds were shaped like mountains high up above the freezing water below the bridge. Ten minutes later, the sirens began, ambulances drove past so fast the water on the asphalt became wet dust clouds after them. It was all planned. I was there with my paper and pen writing all impressions and events down for work. There was the actor lying in the middle of the train screaming because she had a piece of iron sticking out of her. Moments before she had put 'crying creme' under her eyes, but the tears and screams seemed real. People were taken out onto the bridge, climbing over a gap between the rails and the motorway where the water was like ice only 20 metres below. We stood there on the asphalt in the morning wind watching the sky, giving our names to the police and talking about how the firemen and paramedics handled the situation. Later we were rushed into town to have sandwiches. It was a weird morning.


Line said...

Ej hvor vildt... Det er en næsten uvirkelig historie. Og du skriver meget smukt

karen sofie said...

Åh tak :) Det var virkelig også en mærkelig oplevelse. Havde nok forventet lidt mere dramatik, men selve det at være med var jo i og for sig dramatisk nok :)

Marian N. Larsen said...

Blev i advaret inden? virker da en smule skræmmende uden varsel!

karen sofie said...

Jaja, alle vidste det. De bruger rigtig lang tid på at planlægge det - men det var temmelig virkelighedstro :)