29 December 2011

Best of Copenhagen #2

As mentioned, there were good times in Copenhagen as well...

 Denmark got a left wing government - and its first female prime minister!
 I hung out with Tine a lot.
 Lived in the north for a month before moving into my apartment with Anna:
 Started exploring Nørrebro's many offers...
 Finally had all my stuff in one place (for the first time in 5 years!)
 Enjoyed the light in the apartment......
 Had a perfect housewarming!
 ...and got Copenhagen's coolest toilet.
 Had a visit from the youngest brother just as all the leaves fell.
 Had a wild night in Aalborg visiting Kristiane...
 Fell in love...
 Hung out with the ladies...
 Went back to Berlin for a few days...
 Partied a little more...
...and then it was Christmas.


Friller said...

Rigtigt fine billeder! SUPER fed lejlighed du har!

karen sofie said...

Tak tak tak :)