16 December 2014

Go read

As you know, I'm the Copenhagen-editor of Best Wishes Magazine. Last week, we launched the second chapter of local creative people's stories about this little city of ours. The second installment features Mette who lives in one of the first high-rises in Copenhagen. From the 16th floor rooftop, you can see pretty much the whole city and in particular the area of Nordhavn that is undergoing a major change this year. The old industrial harbour is being converted to a modern urban area turning old silos into apartment buildings while at the same time building new architecture. So go read Mette's story here!
The first installment of Best Wishes from Copenhagen featured Luna Signe, author of 'Bag De Gule Gardiner' - her story is definitely also worth a read - find it here!


Michelle Rasmussen said...

FEDT! Den er med det samme røget op på bookmærkelinien, så jeg lige kan snuse rundt på siden og læse de gode historier :))

karen sofie said...

Sejt, der er masser af byer, man kan lære at kende på Best Wishes - god læsning!