12 June 2015

I love Copenhagen

I say it every year, but there is something truly magic about this time. This year, it's taken spring some time to fully arrive in Denmark, but as it's now here everything is wonderful. I am ever in awe of the light and the long summer nights soon reaching their peak. I am spending my time working and enjoying myself, and what more could you wish for? This week has been good;
On Monday, I hung out by the lakes and watched the sun dip down below the rooftops and colour everything in dramatic nuances. The weather was caught somewhere between rain storm and sun, and that always makes for the most intense skies. Plus, the water was perfectly still, and everything looked like it had been folded in the middle.
On Wednesday, I visited one of my favourite ladies and her rooftop. We giggled and started planning a little trip later this summer. I thought it'd be a summer only consisting of work, but now I have managed to plan two trips in a week, so it's looking up!
Yesterday, I went to Papirøen with my father, Sølve, his girlfriend and AE. We had incredible food and wine and my love for Copenhagen only increased (am I starting to sound a little frantic?).
My father blended right in with the hipsters...
And of course, we had to do this as is my tradition whenever I'm at Papirøen...
This is what made my heart beat faster; the water and the buildings and people paddling by. Plus, the deep rumble of the bass playing from Papirøen, the sound of people enjoying themselves and just the view and the light.
Also, Christianshavn!
The stylish couple.


Sheena R. Rasmussen said...

Det er sjovt hvordan København også begynder at trække mere og mere i mig. De sidste par gange, jeg har været dér, så har jeg virkelig bidt mærke i de mange muligheder de forskellige områder har at tilbyde. København er sgu en lækker sag om sommeren :)

karen sofie said...

Ja, der er sket noget med byen de sidste par år. Det er dejligt og har været tiltrængt :) Og nu er sommeren kommet, det er vidunderligt.

Deborah said...

Fantastisk flotte fotos! Helt magisk inde ved søerne. Ville ønske jeg havde mere energi til at komme derind og tage fotos. Jeg har dog et par gange også været heldig at fange gode fotos derinde.

karen sofie said...

Tak, Deborah :) Jeg var lige heldig at fange en helt vidunderlig aften, lyset var virkelig vildt.