27 March 2012

24 hours

 16.14. On my way to Østerport I walk past these amazing windows. I have loved them for a long time.
 16.42. Dirty train-windows and yellow flowers.
 08.02. Goodmorning in the north.
 08.50. I stop by Coffee Collective at Torvehallerne for a treat; morning coffee that hasn't been made in a suspicious machine at work.
 08.52. Heavenly walk to work.
 16.41. Waiting for Mette in Jægersborggade. As I sit on a bench in the pavement I look at how the light dances across the white building on the other side of the cobbled street.
 17.12. Mette and I sit in Assistens Kirkegården talking about everything that's happened since we last saw each other too long ago.
 The second coffee from Coffee Collective du jour; this year's first ice coffee.
17.26. Spring sky. It's 18 degrees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dejligt at se, at der er andre end mig, der kan finde på at købe 2x kaffe om dagen. Har lige fået kop-holder til barnevognen, så er bare SÅ klar til coffee-to-go nu ;)...
Iøvrigt skulle jeg høre, om du mon har et godt tip til, hvordan man finder et nogenlunde billigt sted at bo i Berlin i en måneds tid (august eller september)? Kæresten og mig har tænkt os at holde fælles barsel dernede sammen med Kröten og er nu på jagt efter en eller anden form for lejlighed eller lign...