30 March 2012

Recent worklife/I Instagram my life now

I feel sort of sorry for my camera. Since I got my iPhone I haven't used it so much, and I miss the smell of the leathercase that always reminds me of going to Beelitz. Well, I use my Instagram camera pretty much all the time, it's good to use for small everyday things. Like worklife. The new issue of the magazine landed at the office the other day, the first one with my byline in it - a proud moment for me since it's been my dream to feature in that magazine since I can remember. So this is what I do at work (some of it):
 A beautiful April issue which can be found in the national trains from Monday.
 The May issue in progress.
 I drink lots and lots of coffee and try to incorporate more fruit into my everyday office routine.
 Yesterday, the office had a social afternoon where we went across the street to Kongens Have and played a round of ball...
 With Rosenborg as a majestic backdrop.
On our way to a sushi place, we came by lots of the old buildings in Copenhagen. The afternoon sun made the windows reflect flashes onto the opposite houses. Beauty.
 We made sushi...
 Some of my creations. God I love sushi.
 Today I made a little drawing for the May issue.
And then there was a white tree on my way home.


Anonymous said...

Mange tak for info omkring Berlin-lejligheder! Jeg vil chekke den der hjemmeside ud. Og du må rigtig gerne sige til, hvis du nu skulle høre noget.
Og lækker sushi iøvrigt. Jeg får cravings! Her står den på friske forårsruller i aften, hvilket også er ganske godt, men ikke helt så godt som sushi...
Go' weekend!

Maya said...

Årh, det nye nummer glæder jeg mig til at læse! Jeg savner sådan Ud&Se i England, det er ikke helt det samme på nettet...
Jeg har forøvrigt stalket dine arkiver lidt, flytter til Berlin til sommer, og dine indlæg er mægtig gode overspringshandlinger/dagdrømme om fremtiden midt i stresset essay-tid. Tak for det :)

karen sofie said...

Ohhhappy: No worries, jeg håber, i finder noget godt! Friske forårsruller er heller ikke skidt :)

Maya: Nej, man skal helst have magasinet i hånden, så kommer det bedst til sin ret. Er glad for, at mine Berliner-arkiver kan inspirere lidt, jeg er mega misundelig på, at du skal flytte dertil! God god fornøjelse!