30 November 2012

Tonight I lost my voice

While it was snowing down over Aarhus tonight, I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep, my eyes wouldn't shut, and I was lying there looking out the window on a wintery town, my head spinning with thoughts. I didn't fall asleep until very late, and today my voice is gone... Here's my week in Instashots:
 I went to the library to print some stuff. I kind of like that building and its shapes and colours.
 I've spent endless hours by my desk this week.
 I went out with my headband. I'm not so good at wearing those kinds of things, both because my hair gets flat, and also the wool annoys my ears.
 I had eggs for breakfast.
 And looked at buildings in Guldsmedgade.
 Thursday was spent at Lynfabrikken (Vestergade 49) working. We sold our feature to a Danish newspaper and had to make some changes to the story. Wuhuu, $$$$.
And this morning, Aarhus was touched by white. The photo quality is horrible, I'm sorry. Have a good weekend! I'll be spending mine in the country. Tschüssi!

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