05 January 2013

On a walk

OK. I am totally, utterly in love with this place! Yesterday, after eating sushi with the guys, I came home to the two French roomies drinking white wine, and I spent all evening speaking French and drinking wine and sake that was refrigerated in the snow on the balcony. Today, I took myself out for a walk in my neighbourhood, meeting friendly people and finding the so far best coffee place - few metres from my door (danger!). I saw the city rise and people skiing on the hills of Mont Royal. I eavesdropped on people's conversations to improve my French (hihi) and generally walked around with a smile on my face, deeply in love. How beautiful is this place?!
 I like these little alleyways behind the houses...
 My mom's old boots are surprisingly good. As someone who's never practically dressed, it's a whole new feeling having warm and dry feet all throughout a walk in the snow.
 Hipster-KS had to take a self-portrait.
 I like how the buses write 'have a great day' on their signs...


Sarah Carlson said...

Hvor er det fantastisk, at du er faldet så godt til! Det virker overflødigt at sige, men nu gør jeg det alligevel: NYD DET ;O)

karen sofie said...

Sarah: Tak, jeg nyder det i fulde drag! Her er vidunderligt! Håber, du er kommet godt ind i det nye år.