17 June 2014


I spend a lot of time contemplating the future; where will I live, what will I live off, when will I stop being so restless and settle down... But then things have their way of showing me that nothing is as bad as it seems. This week, I've had two long phone conversations with two of my best friends, that have made me happy to my core. I've soaked up sun for hours on the top balcony with the sea glistening beneath me. I've laughed hard with my family. I've eaten strawberries and sun kissed. I've listened to new music (Lana Del Rey's new record is surprisingly good). So in the middle of sometimes fearing I've made the wrong decision about leaving Berlin, outer elements make sure to let me appreciate things as they are. And open futures can be quite seductive, too. We'll just have to see what happens. As always.

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