12 June 2014


This year's Distortion was only my third, but it was a decent one. Like last time, I had a visitor from Berlin, this time it was Cordula. We met up with AnCa and her Norwegian ladies and hit Vesterbro's streets in fine sunlight, dancing on Mysundegade, drinking beer and watching old confused ladies peaking down to the mayhem from behind their laced curtains. I think I'm getting too old for Distortion, but it was nice to hang around for an evening, taking it all in.
Cordula and I started off with a canal tour - a must when it's your first time in Copenhagen.
AnCa made her beautiful abode our warm-up place.
It's hard to look cool when you have the world's smallest sausages for fingers.
Party in and out.
The next day, everything was cleaned up, and it didn't look like thousands of people had partied in the streets the night before. 

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